Editor’s note: This is not a sponsored post; naijaGRAPHITTI
simply wishes to point attention to an area of urgent need in food security: technologies and processes which would aid
food refrigeration for the transportation and storage in developing countries. We
are used to news food waste in the developed countries, however less developed
countries waste an equally astonishing amounts of food. But with the invention
of technologies and processes which would aid food refrigeration for the
transportation and storage in developing countries, the wastage could be highly
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fruit dealer in the Kashmir region of India separates rotten apples from
freshly harvested apples. Yawar Nazir/Getty Images
fact that a huge amount of food is wasted each year will be no surprise to
anybody in the West. What might come as a surprise is that a large percentage
of global food waste occurs in developing countries — primarily because of poor
infrastructure and dysfunctional distribution networks.
much as half of the food grown or produced in the developing world simply never
makes it to market. And that loss is costing billions of dollars and blighting
countless lives.
one of the issues raised in the book Food Foolish: The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger and Climate
Change by John Mandyck and Eric Schultz. Mandyck, who's the chief
sustainability officer at United Technologies Building & Industrial
Systems, and Schultz detail the causes and consequences of the US$1 trillion
mountain of food that is wasted around the world each year.
the developing world, says Mandyck, some fixes can be as simple as getting farmers
in places like Kenya to use crates instead of burlap bags to transport their
tomatoes to prevent them from bruising on the way to market. In Afghanistan, a
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization project to provide farmers with grain
silos, made by local tinsmiths, reduced losses to insects and rot from 20
percent to less than 2 percent. In Nigeria, a program that provided the
millions of small farms with access to loans, seeds, fertilizer, warehouses and
transportation saw maize yields triple and put money in the pockets of farmers.
spoke to Mandyck about the problem of food waste. The interview has been edited
for length and clarity.
How big a problem is food waste
impact of food waste on hunger, climate change, natural resources and food
security is enormous. More than 1 billion metric tons of food is lost or wasted
each year, never making it from the farm to fork. To put that into perspective,
imagine 1.3 billion healthy Indian elephants standing on top of each other in
one pile. That's the size of the mountain of food going to waste each year —
and all of it perfectly good food.
more than 800 million people are chronically hungry — a population equivalent
to the United States and European Union combined. Food waste also has a
devastating impact on the environment, from the water wasted to grow the food
we never eat to greenhouse gas emissions.
The U.N.'s new goals talk about
wiping out hunger by 2030. Is that possible?
estimates show that we will need to increase our global food production by 70
percent to meet the needs of our growing population. It doesn't make sense to
continue with the current paradigm, which is to grow more — and throw more away
— to try to feed more people. Instead, we should implement readily available
strategies to avoid food loss. Even saving a portion of what is wasted can have
a dramatic impact on reducing hunger, malnutrition, poverty, political
instability, water shortages and carbon emissions.
mention in your book that the monetary cost of all this wasted food exceeds $1
trillion every year. What about the hidden costs?
you look at food waste as an environmental problem you'll find that the energy
we put into growing this food that nobody ever eats contributes 3.3 billion
metric tons of annual carbon dioxide every year. That's including fuel for
tractors used for planting and harvest, electricity for water pumps in the
field, the power for processing and packaging facilities and more. Viewed
another way, if food waste were a country by itself, it would be the third
largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States.
Food is essential to life. Why
are we so inefficient at getting it from farm to table?
are two very different kinds of problems associated with food loss and waste.
One is structurally based: bad weather, poor roads, improper packaging and an
inadequate refrigeration distribution system. Many of these issues can be
addressed through careful planning, political will and sufficient investment.
there are problems that are economic and culturally based. Food too expensive
to be purchased will rot in the warehouse. Food too unprofitable to harvest
will be lost in the field. Meal servings that are twice what a person can eat
will be partially discarded. A perfectly edible apple with harmless spots or a
misshapen carrot might be tossed in a landfill. The elements of supply and
demand, pricing, tradition and culture all play an important role in food loss
and waste.
How is food wasted in the
developing world?
in developing countries, food decays in fields or farms before harvest or else
spoils while it's being transported. In fact, food loss at the production and
distribution level accounts for two-thirds of global food waste. Being able to
keep fresh food chilled during storage and transport would make a huge
difference, but many places do not yet have the technology, infrastructure or
the money to set up a sophisticated "cold chain" — the network of
refrigerated trucks and storage facilities you need to bring fresh food from
the farm to the market.
developing countries had the same level of refrigeration for the transportation
and storage of food as developed countries, approximately one-quarter of food
loss would be avoided.
Originally published in NPR